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Ecothrive Flourish

AdditivesBio Nutrients

Less stress, more success!

  • 100% Natural and Organic Approved Biostimulant
  • Extra-Refined: Remains Stable in Reservoir for Weeks
  • Reservoir Ready: Compatible with Soil, Coco and Hydro
  • Enhances stress tolerance, boosting overall plant resilience
  • Improves germination, vegetative growth and flower development
  • Can be used as a root feed or applied as a foliar spray



The Power of Purity:

Ideal for production-focused growers, Flourish excels both as a root feed and a foliar supplement. It is particularly beneficial for cultivators of light-loving, heavy-fruiting flowering species, ensuring that plants thrive even under intense cultivation conditions.

Brimming with bioactive compounds and phytohormones, Flourish not only improves plant growth but also unleashes hidden bloom potential. Experience enhanced germination rates, increased vegetative vigour and stunning flower development.

Delivering Biological Benefits to All Growers

Flourish’s seaweed extracts confer so many incredible benefits to your plants: increasing nutrient uptake, enhancing stress tolerance, protection from pathogens and visibly improved growth response. Some growers believe that the benefits of seaweed extracts is due to trace element content, but this is a fallacy—the boost in growth and vigour is actually thanks to the natural bioactive compounds in seaweed.

Ultra Pure

Unlike traditional seaweed extracts, flourish is clean and pure enough for use in all growing situations, from organic living soil to hydroponic reservoirs. Through our proprietary processing technique, we’ve created a unique, ultra-purified extract. Experience a clean, fully soluble, and highly stable seaweed extract that remains fresh in your hydroponic system for weeks – no fouling, no blockages, just steady support for your plants—even in the most demanding growing conditions.

Why Ecothrive Flourish Stands Out

Ideal for High-Intensity Cultivation Environments: Particularly effective under LED lighting, Flourish helps plants thrive even in higher air temperature environments with rapid wet/dry cycles, ensuring success from seedling to harvest.

Sustainably Sourced Seaweed Extract: We use the seaweed species Ascophyllum nodosum for Flourish, hand-harvested from the pristine tidal waters of Northwest Scotland and the West Coast of Ireland. Flourish is extracted without harmful chemicals, preserving the highest quality of bioactive compounds.

Understanding Seaweed vs. Seaweed Extracts: We’re big fans of traditional seaweed applications and have seen numerous benefits in our trials—but concentrated seaweed extracts deliver more efficient and rapid plant responses, making them a superior choice for serious growers.

A Superior Seaweed Extract: Flourish is the best seaweed extract available to growers because it is extracted at low temperatures and high pressures. This meticulous seaweed extraction process produces a rich, wide-spectrum extract teeming with beneficial compounds, perfectly balanced for easy integration into any watering or nutrient system.

Key Bioactive Compounds:

Phytohormones: These plant hormones improve growth characteristics, increasing shoot and root growth, flower numbers, fruit set and overall yield.

Polysaccharides: Enhance plant resistance against stressors like pests and diseases.

Betaines: Help protect plants against environmental stresses such as drought and extreme temperatures.

How To use

Root Feed

As a root feed, flourish is suitable for use in all growth stages. It works great as a seed soak, cube soak, and all-round propagation aid, providing young plants and seedlings with a bioactive boost when they need it most. Continue to use flourish when transplanting into a fresh substrate to help your plants cope with transplant shock and encourage explosive root growth. Once you have repotted, continue using flourish throughout the vegetative and flowering growth phases. You can stop using flourish as a root feed one or two weeks before harvest.

  • Apply 0.25-0.5ml per litre with every watering.
  • Can be applied as a stand-alone feed or mixed with other nutrients and additives as part of your regular nutrient program. It is tank stable and highly compatible with other products.
  • Foliar Feed

    As a foliar feed, flourish can be used throughout propagation and vegetative growth. If you’re growing fruiting plants, flourish can be sprayed throughout the cycle right up to harvest. For flowering plants, stop foliar sprays once the flowers have started to form.

    • Spray 10ml per litre every 10-14 days.
    • Works excellently as a foliar spray, particularly during key growth stages such as on new clones to promote roots, at transplant to avoid shock, during transitional growth stages between vegetative and fruiting/flower, and to protect from environmental stress. Spray on a regular 10-14 day regime.


    Typical Analysis Result
    Bioactive Compounds
    Alginic Acid 4.125 g/100ml
    Laminarin 1.12 g/100ml
    Fucoidan 1.19 g/100ml
    Mannitol 0.44 g/100ml
    Betaines 36 mg/100ml
    Auxins 10 mg/100ml
    Gibberellins 5 mg/100ml
    Cytokinins 10 mg/100ml
    Typical Analysis
    Nitrogen 0 %
    Phosphorus 0 %
    Potassium 0.5 %
    Sodium 0.13 %
    Calcium 600 mg/kg (ppm)
    Magnesium 325 mg/kg (ppm)
    Sulphur 750 mg/kg (ppm)
    Boron 11.5 mg/kg (ppm)
    Copper 3 mg/kg (ppm)
    Zinc 0.1 mg/kg (ppm)
    Iron 4.5 mg/kg (ppm)
    Manganese 2.5 mg/kg (ppm)
    Molybdenum 0.1 mg/kg (ppm)
    Heavy Metals
    Arsenic 1.55 mg/kg (ppm)
    Cadmium <0.1 mg/kg (ppm)
    Chromium <0.1 mg/kg (ppm)
    Lead <0.2 mg/kg (ppm)
    Mercury 0.95 mg/kg (ppm)
    Nickel 0.06 mg/kg (ppm)
    Other Parameters
    Seaweed Solids 3-4 % w/v
    Organic Matter 2.5 %
    pH 4.2

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